LLM Law and Gender
London, 영국
1 up to 3 Years
풀 타임, 아르바이트
신청 마감
요청 신청 마감일
가장 빠른 시작 날짜
Sep 2025
GBP 25,740 / per year *
연구 형식
* 풀타임 비용: 영국 £17,000; 해외 £ 24,650. 파트타임 2년 비용: 영국 £8,500/년; 해외 £12,325/년. 파트타임 3년 비용: 영국 £5,610/년; 해외 £8,135/년
Mode of Attendance: Full-time or Part-time
The SOAS LLM in Law and Gender offers an interdisciplinary, intellectually and politically rewarding and collegiate space, designed for critical and impactful engagements with law and gender, with a particular focus on the Global South and both historical and contemporary legal and alegal pursuits of gender, sexual, racial, Indigenous, class, caste, disability, post-conflict, post-colonial and environmental justice. Our students and teaching staff are particularly versed in feminist, queer and critical race theoretical approaches to intersectionality and are deeply engaged in cutting-edge projects across the ‘SOAS regions’ and beyond.
Our Ways of Learning-in-the-World
The LLM programme on Law and Gender is not just your go-to place for exploring interdisciplinary and critical approaches to law and gender in society; it rests upon a unique mission to support you, from the very beginning of this adventure, as both a learner and a teacher, making sure that your past and present personal, activist, academic and professional experiences and future aspirations are acknowledged and nurtured in a way that can equip you with firm and substantial critical directions. You will learn and, whilst doing so, teach and help others, too, in a highly diverse and friendly environment. You will approach both law and gender as your critical objects proper, to be explored in a pedagogical world that seeks to creatively and meaningfully overcome the distinction between the academic and the activist, the theoretical and the practical, relying on a praxis that each of you will have a chance to tailor to suit your personal and career needs as well as your unique research impulses and sensitivities.
You will, in other words, become a member of a vibrant, exploratory community amidst a buzzing metropolis and the wider SOAS contexts. We will work together on making this experience truly life-changing and memorable, which will not only equip you with critical approaches to law and gender, well beyond the confines of more ‘traditional’ institutions, but also ensure that you encounter and benefit from our unique, inter- and post-disciplinary, non-hierarchical and deeply collaborative approach to learning-in-the-world.
This programme proudly lays at the intersection of the SOAS School of Law and the SOAS Centre for Gender Studies, which, in their own ways, house some of the most innovative, critical and world-renown research on gender and law you will encounter in London, the United Kingdom and the world. Whether you wish to explore or have experience with, global, transnational, local or specifically Global Southern approaches to law and gender, we have committed and uniquely knowledgeable teaching staff and students you can engage and work with. Some of our particular areas of expertise include postcolonial feminist and queer approaches to international and domestic law, diaspora studies and African and Asian feminisms, critical studies of sexual and gender diversity in the Global South, and the intersections of migration, post-conflict, environmental, anti-racist and anti-capitalist studies of law and gender.
이상적인 학생
Why you?
이 프로그램은 법학 학사 학위자 또는 법학 전문가와 이론가에게 적합하며, 법학에서의 젠더 연구와 법학에서의 젠더 연구에 대한 실무와 이론 중심의 심도 있는 탐구를 추구합니다. 이는 다른 비판적 사고를 가진 교사와 학습자와 함께 세상에 익숙한 방식에 도전할 준비가 된 사람들을 위한 만남의 장소입니다.
여러분은 이 학제간 및 학제간 경로를 따라 현재 탐험하는 사람들에 합류할 뿐만 아니라, 이 경험을 자신의 경력과 인생의 전환점으로 여전히 소중히 여기는 전 세계의 수많은 동문과 졸업생들과도 합류하게 될 것입니다.
LLM은 영국 법학 학위 또는 국제 동등 학위를 소지한 지원자에게만 제한됩니다. 법학 학위는 없지만 SOAS 에서 법학 석사 학위를 취득하는 데 관심이 있는 경우 석사 과정의 세부 정보를 참조하세요.
학생들은 60학점의 논문과 120학점의 강의 모듈로 구성된 180학점을 이수합니다. 전문 LLM으로 졸업하고자 하는 학생은 전문 LLM과 관련된 최소 60학점을 이수해야 하며, 논문 주제는 LLM 전문 분야 내에서 수행될 것입니다.
Please note that not all modules listed will be available every year.
Compulsory Module
- 법학 석사 학위논문 (60학점)
전문가 Pathway 옵션
법학과 젠더 분야 전문 LLM 학위를 취득하고자 하는 학생은 다음 목록에서 최소 60학점을 이수해야 합니다.
- Human Rights of Women
- Law and Society in Southeast Asia
- Law and Postcolonial Theory
- Gender, Law, and Society in the Middle East and North Africa
- Gender, Sexuality, and Law: Theories and Methodologies
- Gender and the Law of War
- 성별과 평화의 법칙
General Law Options
법학과 젠더 분야 전문 LLM 학위를 취득하고자 하는 학생은 다음 목록에서 최소 30학점을 이수해야 합니다.
- Gender and the Law of War
- 성별과 평화의 법칙
- Human Rights of Women
- Law and Natural Resources
- Law, Religion, and the State in South Asia
- Israel, Palestine, and International Law
- International Human Rights Clinic
- Human Rights and Islamic Law
- International Commercial Arbitration
- Law and Development in Africa
- Intellectual Property Law
- International Laws on the Use of Force
- Foundations of International Law
- The Law of Armed Conflict
- Colonialism, Empire, and International Law
- 갈등 후 사회에서의 정의, 화해, 재건
- Water Justice: Rights, Access, and Movements
- Comparative Constitutional Law
- Law and Society in Southeast Asia
- Law and Postcolonial Theory
- International Criminal Law
- Gender, Law, and Society in the Middle East and North Africa
- Gender, Sexuality, and Law: Selected Topics
- Gender, Sexuality, and Law: Theories and Methodologies
- International Investment Law
- Law, Rights & Social Change
- Law, Environment, and Social Justice
- International Migration Law
- International Refugee Law
- Law, Environment, and the Global Commons: Ice, Sea, Space, and Beyond
- International Environmental Law
- The Prohibition of Torture in International Law
- Water and Development: Commodification, Ecology, and Globalisation
- Multinational Enterprises and the Law I
- Multinational Enterprises and the Law II
- Business and Human Rights in the Global Economy
- Comparative Company Law
- Israel, Palestine, and International Law
- Palestine, Resistance, and the Law
- Alternative Dispute Resolution I
- Alternative Dispute Resolution II
- Law and the Climate Crisis
- International Protection of Human Rights
- Islamic Family Law
- Islamic Legal Theory
- 국제법, 금융 및 기술
- Colonial Geographies of International Law
- Law and Society in the Middle East and North Africa
- Law and the Biodiversity Crisis
Teaching and Learning
학생들은 선택한 법학 분야에 대한 전문 지식을 습득하게 됩니다. 여기에는 다음 사항에 대한 지식과 이해가 포함되지만 반드시 이에 국한되지는 않습니다.
- 법의 이론적, 실천적 기초
- The context in which law is made, interpreted, adjudicated, and amended
- 다양한 사회 및 경제 환경에서 법이 수행하는 역할
- 법률기관의 역할과 기능
- The weight and significance of different sources and methodologies
- Students will develop knowledge of how to locate relevant materials and assess their relevance and/or importance.
이 프로그램은 학생들에게 독창적인 역사적, 사회적-법적, 법적-인류학적 연구를 주도적으로 수행하고, 특정 주제에 대한 경험적, 교차적, 심층적 분석에 참여하고, 다양한 기본 역사적 출처, 현장 작업 데이터 등을 사용할 수 있는 기회를 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 12,000단어 분량의 단일 논문(노트 포함, 참고문헌 제외)으로 평가합니다.