최고의 대학 법 프로그램들 입력 영국 2025
University of Law SQE
University of Law SQE
- London, 영국
- Birmingham, 영국 + 8 더
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
University of Sussex
University of Sussex
- Brighton, 영국
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
University of Law Online Postgraduate
University of Law Online Postgraduate
- London, 영국
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
University of Bristol Law School
University of Bristol Law School
- Bristol, 영국
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
Example school
Example school
- Jelenia Góra, 폴란드
- Świerzawa, 폴란드 + 4 더
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
University of Birmingham - College of Arts and Law
University of Birmingham - College of Arts and Law
- Birmingham, 영국
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
The University of Law Postgraduate Programmes
The University of Law Postgraduate Programmes
- Birmingham, 영국
- Bristol, 영국 + 11 더
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
London College Of Business And Law
London College Of Business And Law
- Wealdstone, 영국
2000 년 처음에는 기업으로 설립되었습니다. London College Of Business And Law (LCBL) (이전의 Middlesex College of Law)는 2003 년 2 월에 사립 유한 회사로 등록되었습니다. 대학 초창기에는 University of London International 프로그램의 LLB 학위 학생들에게 수업료가 제공되었습니다. (이전 University of London External).
The University of Law Undergraduate Programmes
The University of Law Undergraduate Programmes
- Guildford, 영국
- Hong Kong, 홍콩
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge
- Cambridge, 영국
전 세계 각계 각지에서 온 20,000 명 이상의 학생, 11,000 명 이상의 교직원, 31 개의 대학, 150 개의학과, 학부, 학교 및 기타 기관 University of Cambridge 에서 이틀이 똑같은 날은 없습니다.
Informa Connect
Informa Connect
- London, 영국
Informa Connect 이름은 새롭지만 우리는 한동안 존재했습니다. 우리의 목적은 고객이 더 많이 알고 더 많은 것을 할 수 있도록 도와주는 정보와 사람들을 연결하는 것입니다. 더 많은 사람들이 전문 지식을 공유하거나 비즈니스 관계를 맺도록 돕는 회사는 전 세계에 없습니다.
Edinburgh Law School - The University of Edinburgh
Edinburgh Law School - The University of Edinburgh
- Edinburgh, 영국
300년 이상 동안 Edinburgh Law School은 스코틀랜드 법률의 개방적이고 학제간 전통에 뿌리를 두고 있습니다. 우리는 지역 및 세계적으로 시민 변화에 영향을 미치는 완전히 포괄적인 로스쿨입니다.
University of Leicester Law School
University of Leicester Law School
- Leicester, 영국
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
Lancashire Law School - University of Central Lancashire
Lancashire Law School - University of Central Lancashire
- Lancashire, 영국
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
University of London LLM
University of London LLM
- London, 영국
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...